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“German Day in Golden Gate Park 2024”

will bring together a variety of

San Francisco Bay Area German organizations

to celebrate and promote

German language, culture and music.


The event will take place on

Sunday, September 29th, 2024

from 11am until 4pm

in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park

at the bandshell and music concourse


The event is open to the public and free of charge


The event is jointly organized by

the United German-American Societies of San Francisco (UGAS-SF)

 the Deutscher Musikverein of San Francisco (DMV)

and the

Excelsior German Center (EGC)


The various German organizations and performers will showcase their talents and entertain the audience from the stage and participating organizations will also sponsor informational tables. 


There will be activities for children and adults including a

Biergarten and

Children's Activity Area and

food and drink and souvenirs will be available for purchase.


With the goal of minimizing waste

we are encouraging patrons to bring their own

reusable beverage containers to use to obtain free water from dispensers

which will be located throughout the event space.  We are unfortunately prohibited from dispensing alcohol into reusable beverage containers.


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DMV Logo resized for photos and thumbnails IMG_0979 (1).jpg
UGAS Banner IMG_0912.jpg
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