German Day in ​
Sunday, Sept. 29th 2024
11AM - 4PM
Celebrate German language,
culture and music
This event is being presented through a collaboration between three San Francisco Bay Area
German-American non-profit organizations:
The Deutscher Musikverein of San Francisco
The Excelsior German Center
and the United German-American Societies of San Francisco
The event is free to the public due to generous financial donations from the Excelsior German Center of Oakland and the United-German American Societies of San Francisco.
Planning Committee Members
Alto Rechenauer – President, United German American Societies of San Francisco (UGAS SF)
Bill Bates – President Emeritus, Deutscher Musikverein of San Francisco (DMV)
Debora Kraft – Press and Cultural Affairs, Consulate General of Germany, San Francisco
Fanny Jasper – President, German American School Association of Northern California (GASANC)
Franciska Obermeyer – Deputy Consul General, Consulate General of Germany, San Francisco
Heike Feltes – Bay Area Kinderstube, Am. Assoc. of Teachers of German, North CA Chapter
Jeannette Kiessling – German American Business Association (GABA)
Karl Pfeiffer – Treasurer, Excelsior German Center at the Altenheim in Oakland (EGC)
Petra Kubler – EGC Board Member
Petra Specht – EGC President and German Day Co-lead
Sam Hedrick – East Bay German International School (EBGIS) and German Day 2024 Marketer
Thomas Kronemeyer – EGC Board Member
Walt Keller – Deutscher Musikverein President and German Day Co-lead
Thanks to Sam Hedrick, Operations Manager for the East Bay German International School, for stepping up and creating a spectacular marketing plan for the event and also helping to manage the website!
Special thanks to Standard Deviant Brewery
for their generous sponsorship of the Biergarten
Thomas Kronemeyer for our layout designs
Deborah Kraft and Michael Hoch for helping manage the website
the Deutscher Musikverein for sponsoring the performance of Steffen Kuehn
and to the
Consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany
for sponsoring the performance of Frank Muschalle.
Thanks also to all of the volunteer performers and organization members for bringing their unique version of German music and culture to this event.
Thanks also to Rozana Ceballos from San Francisco Park and Rec for her enthusiastic collaboration to help make this event happen.
And finally, thanks and much appreciation to the over 100 community volunteers without whom this free public event could not occur.