German Day in ​
Sunday, Sept. 29th 2024
11AM - 4PM
Celebrate German language,
culture and music
Please join us for our second
“German Day in Golden Gate Park”​
We will once again bring together a variety of
San Francisco Bay Area German organizations to celebrate and promote German language, culture
and music.
Sunday, September 29th, 2024
11am - 4pm
San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park
at the bandshell and music concourse
- open to the public and free of charge -
Event Highlights:
Boogie-Woogie pianist Frank Muschalle
A packed stage program of performances by
Bay Area German groups, musicians, and youth.
An enclosed “BIERGARTEN” serving beer and wine.
A KIDS activity area.
FOOD trucks and gourmet German food boxes.
INFORMATION booths promoting German culture
in the Bay Area.
The event is jointly organized:
• United German-American Societies
of San Francisco (UGAS-SF)
• Deutscher Musikverein of San Francisco (DMV)
• Excelsior German Center at the Altenheim
​in Oakland (EGC)